Sliding Bed CNC Lathe

We have provided all the equipment in machine tools of the new factory Matrix Pack S.A leading company in the manufacture of organic products.

Five conventional machines and a sliding head CNC lathe.

The particular hardness of the piece (65-68 Rc) and the diameter (3.3mm) was the “bet” for this task.

Processing time at CNC 1.2min

Working time in conventional mode about 25min

Tapping Machine Roscamat Tiger

Installation of CNC

Successfully delivered and installed in Papadakis Bros store a new CNC lathe from ZMM type C832C in addition to their product line of machines.

Some of the technical and design features of the machine are:

  • Swing over bed 830mm
  • Swing over carriage 510mm
  • Distance between centers 4.000mm
  • Spindle bore 113mm
  • Main motor power 15Kw
  • ControllerFanuc 0i mate TD Japan
  • Automatic tool changer Baruffaldi Italy model TAN210 with 5 tool holders

The machine immediately after installation was put into operation, was tested for its accuracy and joined the production line.

For more information please contact the company:

ROPI Machine Tools StathisTsampeloglou & CO.

New Sale


Successfullydelivered andinstalledin theGreekmarketa three-axes grinding surfaceshigh precisionautomaticpillartype, model FSG 2060ADIII  of the houseChevalier.

Some ofthe technical anddesign features of themachineare:

• Max. grinding capacity1.500mm x 500mm x 730mm

• Automatic TFT screen, graphics card and


• The bodyismade ​​ofrigid and high dense cast iron.

• Verticalaxisservomotorwithpositioning accuracy0,001mmandMPG

• The speed of the crossed displacement is controlled by inverter and ball screw to maintain constant cutting

speed for a better finish, and an inverter control for the speed of the spindle wheel.

• The axisof the head is based on5 bearingsClass 7 (P4)

• The table is set with proximity switches.

• ThedoubleV guide ways which are laminated with Turcite-B and thecontinuouslubricationguarantee

the accuracy of positioningandsmooth and accurate movement.

• Over wheel parallel dresser with automatic dress compensation

The machine immediately after installation was put into operation, was tested for its accuracy and joined the

Production line.

For more information please contact the company:

ROPI Machine Tools StathisTsampeloglou & CO.




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